Saye Rindu Sekolah T_T
Monday, January 31, 2011 | 10:02 AM | 2 comments
Well well well~ Sekolah :D I miss you much beetttchh!! HAHAHA. hiah .. As you all dont know.. Im 18 this year. Hhaha~ So I am "freshly'' grads from high school and waitin' for the Lovely Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia's result to come out.. in other words it is called SPM.. brr~ its been one and a half month I tak pergi sekolah. hohoho~ dulu , bangun je pagi2 mandi , gosok gigi, semayang then make-up2 sket afterward pergi sekolah. But now. -.-'' I bngun pagi2 sebab pergi kerja. pffft~ I used to be one of the famous student kat sekolah. HAHA *nak cerita lah siket kann* hohoh. Everyday at school , I mesti meronggeng kat sekolah. Sape jea lah tk kenal Me. Ngee~ Sebut je my name. =.= semua kenal. cehhh~ Konon femes lah tu yee.. hahaha =.='' Waktu sekolah dulu , tak sabar2 nak habis sekolah nih.. nak bebas lah kononye from school world. But now~ Hambik kau! rindu macam gila dah nk pergi sekolah balik. Apalah. It happens to every students in this Country I think -.-'' Haihhh I miss the teachers , My juniors -.-'' and makcik2 sapu ape semua tu. heheh >.< Ouhhhh Sekolahhh~ Obses sangat dengan Photography -.-''
| 9:06 AM | 0 comments
So. About PHOTOGRAPHY. I admit that I LOVE taking photos here and there. haha! for example this photo up there.. I took it today somewhere around Marina Island :D Well bukan senang nak tangkap gambar ''santek - santek'' ni okee. Me, Myself is a beginner really. there is a LOT for me to learn. Duhh! 'learn'?! erghhh~ oke. enough about that. tangkap2 gambar ni can portray or should I say express the way I feel .. err well sort of lahh .. -___-'' ..Taking photos has been my major hobby since for the past 2 years. HAHA.. And it suits me well actually coz I travell a LOT nowadays around Malaysia region. and yes I might be goin Overseas for taking photos by the end of this year 2011 :D HarHarHar~ well enough lah about this taking photos here and there. -.-'' Im tired of typing now. Ciauu~ I found this Blog Unoccupied :D
| 1:04 AM | 0 comments
So the photo on this blog idk who own it. hee. well who cares. HAHA. well im quite new here on this bellogg.I dont really know how to use it, the way it works and more. =.='' This is my 1st post! HAHA. perhaps its a lil' bit bodoh kan this post. Idk what to write actually. :P Hess~ I am planning to make this bellog to be my place to create an uproar . HAHA joking joking :D For anyone out there. Please dont take your time to figure out who actually I am.. I am no one. Its not important really. HAHAH.. Okay I am totally crapping now -___- sheesh That is all for now I think. Baii O_o |