Obses sangat dengan Photography -.-''
Monday, January 31, 2011 | 9:06 AM | 0 comments
So. About PHOTOGRAPHY. I admit that I LOVE taking photos here and there. haha! for example this photo up there.. I took it today somewhere around Marina Island :D Well bukan senang nak tangkap gambar ''santek - santek'' ni okee. Me, Myself is a beginner really. there is a LOT for me to learn. Duhh! 'learn'?! erghhh~ oke. enough about that. tangkap2 gambar ni can portray or should I say express the way I feel .. err well sort of lahh .. -___-'' ..Taking photos has been my major hobby since for the past 2 years. HAHA.. And it suits me well actually coz I travell a LOT nowadays around Malaysia region. and yes I might be goin Overseas for taking photos by the end of this year 2011 :D HarHarHar~ well enough lah about this taking photos here and there. -.-'' Im tired of typing now. Ciauu~ |